plectranthus parviflorus
Plectranthus parviflorus, known as little spurflower or cockspur flower, is a shrub, occurring in Hawaii, Polynesia and Australia. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN),,, Several names share this combination and are defined under the rules of the botanical code. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 545R.Br.; Plectranthus parviflorus R.Br., nom. illeg.) Trop. & S. Africa, Tanzania, India. Small herb with woody base, annual to short-lived perennial, erect, very aromatic, often many-branched, 4-angled, papery leaves, white to pinkish ... Non aromatic, between 10 and 70 cm high. Plectranthus parviflorus Blue Spires. Stem. The influence of illumination level during leaf development on the mesophyll cell surface area per unit leaf area (A(mes)/A), CO(2) resistances, and the photosynthetic rate was determined for leaves of Plectranthus parviflorus Henckel. Ses fleurs bleues sont minuscules, d'où son nom parviflorus [1]. Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegata' (le plectranthus panaché si commun et si facile à cultiver), se multiplie facilement par bouturage de tête.Il émet facilement des racines dans un verre d'eau. On l'appelle aussi communément coliole, coléus canin, planteanti-chats ou encore terreur des chats. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 8Plectranthus parviflorus . L. Pyrethrum grandiflorum . confertum . Dougl . Pluchea bifrons . DC . Willd . diffusum . Dougl . Plumbago capensis . L. Pyrus baccata . L. digitalis . B. M. micrantha . Ledeb . americana . DC . ovatum . There is a lovely form with white-variegated leaves that is sold as P. parviflorus 'Blue Spires', which is similarly as forbearing of a range of conditions as the green-leaved version. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 100The Plectranthus genus is rich in essential oils, thus it is unsurprising that a number of native Australian species have distinctive fragrant characteristics. They include P. argentatus, P. parviflorus and P. graveolens. 7,00⬠TTC. Close relatives are Cuban oregano or Mexican thyme ( Plectranthus amboinicus ), a cooking herb, and Swedish ivy ( P. verticillatus ), a popular indoor plant and now naturalized in the islands. Dans la région du centre de la Grande Terre, les femmes soignent les maladies des yeux et purgent ⦠Caudiciforms Plectranthus parviflorus. et relève du code de nomenclature pour les algues, plantes et champignons ( ICN / communément désigné comme code de botanique). is recorded from the Kawhia and Tairua Ecological Districts of the North Island. They help store carbohydrates, starch and water during the dry times ensuring pretty much year round flowers. Plectranthus parviflorus (PLFPF) Menu. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 347Plectranthus parviflorus , nectarotbeca foveata ; racemis ebracteatis ; foliis ovatis , acutis , tomentosis ; corollæ lobis externe punctatis . Habitat in Peruvià . D'après le caractère générique donné par l'auteur , il est probable ... Created by: Neville Walsh, 2018-01-04 . Description - A fast growing l ow growing, compact herbaceous sub-shrub is native to the east coast of Australia. Font Hills (B.Gray 6336), close up, leaves Plectranthus sp. Plectranthus es un género de plantas de la familia Lamiaceae con unas 1000 especies descritas, de las cuales solo 325 son aceptadas, 650 meros sinónimos y unas 35 todavía sin resolver. Panier Votre panier est vide. Fabirama. Si vous leur faites passer l'hiver à l'intérieur, réduisez l'arrosage. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 124Plectranthus parviflorus . Sandwich . Ipomæa Turpethum . -Iles - des - Amis . Batatas . Sandwich . Noukaviva . maritima . Iles intertropicales . Guam . Solanum repandum . â Marquises . Cordia sebestena . Sandwich . Photosynthetically active radiation (PhAR) is apparently the environmental factor having the greatest influence on leaf thickness for Plectranthus parviflorus Henckel (Labiatae). Avant de les ressortir, au printemps, Type: not cited). Coleus, Native; Cockspur Flower; Spurflower, Little; Little Spurflower; Native Coleus . AVH is a collaborative project of the state, Commonwealth and territory herbaria, developed under the auspices of the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH), representing the major Australian collections. Non-aromatic shrub, 10â70 cm high, with fleshy, c. tuberous base; branches dying away after flowering, usually with moderately dense, short, glandular and longer multicelular spreading or sometimes retrorse eglandular hairs. Ajouter au panier. Distribution and occurrence: Widespread, frequently in rocky areas and associated with creeks and rivers. This variable species is often difficult to distinguish from P. graveolens and P. suaveolens. A widespread species, in rocky areas and beside streams. Engl. Type: not cited). This pretty native succulent isn't just beautiful. ; branches dying away after flowering, moderately covered with short, retrorse multicellular hairs and a few to many longer, spreading to retrorse multicellular hairs, gland-tipped occasionally present, sessile glands absent or occasionally present. It is a pretty little plant with small bright blue flowers in early summer. A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 15Plectranthus parviflorus , or . H. Amérique méridion . juin , sept . Scutellaria hyssopifolia , pl . t . 2 . septentrion . juin , sept . pubescens , pl . t . 4 . juillet , aoút . Scrophularia appendiculata , pl . t . 4. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 200Plectranthus parviflorus . Willd . Scutellaria integrifolia . Lin . peregrina . Lin . Scrophularia vernalis , Lin . peregrina . Lin . Linaria triphylla . Willd . bipartita . Willd . pelisseriana . H. Kew . origanifolia . name. Plectranthus is a member of Lamiaceae (mint family). Pages in category "Plectranthus parviflorus" This category contains only the following page. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, cette plante est symbole de vie ; chaque morceau de sa tige peut former une bouture. This variety was bred in Queensland and was selected for its variegated foliage. Swedish ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus, ht 40 cm) is a very easily grown groundcover and originates in southern Africa. Common name. Cockspur Flower (5602143789).jpg. Utilisés surtout pour leur feuillage décoratif, les plectranthus sont des plantes herbacées à port étalé, retombant, aux feuilles ovales ou arrondies, dentées, parfois duveteuses. Willdenow 11078 (B). LES PLECTRANTHUS de nos jardins Calédoniens Nous parlerons de « la plante qui guérit tout » comme on dit ici : Plectranthus Parviflorus qui a des feuilles plus petites et de Plectranthus Amboinicus dit « thym des Antilles ou thym Martiniquais » à feuilles plus épaisses et plus grosses. Cockspur Flower (6303269357).jpg. The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) is an online resource that provides immediate access to the wealth of plant specimen information held by Australian herbaria. A (The Pinnacle, Border Ranges), close up, flowers Plectranthus sp. Plectranthus graveolens x Plectranthus parviflorus Catalogue number: MEL 2412966A State: Queensland Locality: Scenic Rim (R) Collector: Forster, P.I. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 764Germanea Forskolai . foliis ovatis , acutis , comentojis , corolla lobis externe Vabl . punctatis . ( N ) Germanea ncëtario gibboso , racemis aphyllis , Plectranthus parviflorus . Henck . Adumb . Plant . caule aquali . Vahl , Symb . Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 121HAV dabeang . daabita plante : Plectranthus parviflorus Henck . , Labiées . fai - daabita ( vx ) fin de la cérémonie de deuil . - Cf. faidabita . ⢠La plante est offerte aux utérins à la naissance de l'enfant . Plectranthus parviflorus âLimplep1â is more commonly known as Blue Yonder or Blue Spire plectranthus. Author: Carl Ludwig von Willdenow, 1806: Family: 9 (1971) 35 as plant cultivated in Berlin of unknown origin, Hb. life Life. EPPO Code: PLFPF ; Preferred name: Plectranthus parviflorus ; Authority: R.Brown ; Notes. APNI*. Famille : Lamiaceae. Plectranthus parviforus Willd., non Coleus parviflorus Benth. Growth Habit. Le Méamoru (Plectranthus Parviflorus) Plante à petites feuilles qui pousse au ras du sol et fait de minuscules fleurs bleues. Known as little spurflower or cockspur flower, Plectranthus parviflorus is an erect pubescent perennial that grows 2-3' tall, occurring in Hawaii, Polynesia and Australia. Plectranthus parviflorus âLimplep1â is more commonly known as Blue Yonder or Blue Spire plectranthus. Coleus australis, synonyms Plectranthus australis and Plectranthus parviflorus, known as little spurflower or cockspur flower, is a shrub, occurring in Hawaii, Polynesia and Australia. Non aromatic, between 10 and 70 cm high. Homonyms Plectranthus parviflorus Willd. Plectranthus verticillatus Plectranthus hail from warm temperate to tropical areas of the world and grow in shadier parts of the garden under trees in very ordinary soil where many plants do not thrive. Habitat. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 287... n il passe les bretelles de chargement à ses épaules bé - pami - hi boong magie pour chasser le lézard " boá»ng " lu caa tè - ko taawö- li pane - lu ils ont leur charge sur le dos pamulip a . plante : Plectranthus parviflorus Henck . Boutique Succulentes, Plantes grasses; Cactus; Aizoaceae; Spécimens et gros sujets; Plantes carnivores; Bananiers; Abonnement : 1 mois = 3 plantes ! This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Plectranthus (family Lamiaceae ). Les plectranthus sont des plantes gélives qui ne supportent pas les températures inférieures à 4 °C. The white edged foliage brightens shady places. Plectranthus zuluensis. [3 The influence of illumination level during leaf development on the mesophyll cell surface area per unit leaf area (A(mes)/A), CO(2) resistances, and the photosynthetic rate was determined for leaves of Plectranthus parviflorus Henckel. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Plectranthus parviflorus is the only species native to the Hawaiian Islands. kingdom Plantae. Vous pouvez aussi installer les boutures en terre : plantez des boutures de 5 à 8 cm, après avoir enlevé les feuilles du bas, dans un mélange à base de terreau et de sable. They grow quickly and are tolerant of drought and root-competition. Coleus australis, synonyms Plectranthus australis and Plectranthus parviflorus, known as little spurflower or cockspur flower, is a shrub, occurring in Hawaii, Polynesia and Australia.Non aromatic, between 10 and 70 cm high. Habitat: WEED Plants in the Plectranthus genus are closely related to mint as they are part of the same familyâthe Lamiaceae family. This code has been deactivated and replaced by PLFAU. Identifiant: UCJ007582 Famille: Graminées= Poaceae Genre: Monocymbium Espèce: Monocymbium deightonii Lieu de récolte: Mont Momi Date de récolte: 29/10/1966 Nom du récolteur: L. Aké Assi Numéro de récolte: 9167 Pays: Ci This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Plectranthus (family Lamiaceae ). Box 10 420 Wellington, New Zealand Abstract Plectranthus parviflorus Willd. The plant grows 14 inches tall (24 inches in bloom) and spreads 24 inches wide. Truffaut vous recommande. Caractéristiques principales. Plantation. Mga kasarigan. Calyx 1.4–2.6 mm long, 4–5 mm long in fruit. Homonyms Plectranthus parviflorus Willd. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 440PLECTRANTHUS ( graveolens ) calicis hir PLÃEA à feuilles menues . ... PLECTRANTHUS ( scutellarioides ) calicis la rapports avec les narthecium , dont il diffère par les bio superiore 3 - fido , obrufo ... PLECTRANTHUS ( parviflorus ) ... Panier Votre panier est vide. Caractéristiques principales. Plectranthus graveolens (as here interpreted) and P. parviflorus are sometimes co-extensive (e.g. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 158Plectranthus parviflorus ( L. small - flowered ) . Fl . All the year . Loc . Coast , Div . Range . N. Aus . , Q'land , Vic .. S. Aus . , Pacific Is . THY MELA E ACEAE The family Thymelaeaceae received its name 158 LABIATAE. Lamiaceae Conclusions by Zone. : silver plectranthus, Brazilian coleus, silver spurflower, silvery plectranthus, Swedish ivy. Plectranthus parviflorus, known as little spurflower or cockspur flower, is a shrub, occurring in Hawaii, Polynesia and Australia. 5.0 5.1; Mga sumpay ha gawas 3,25 â¬. Non-aromatic shrub, 10â70 cm high, with fleshy, c. tuberous base; branches dying away after flowering, usually with moderately dense, short, glandular and longer multicelular spreading or sometimes retrorse eglandular hairs. Plectranthus parviflorus Willd. is an. These roots are [â¦] Plectranthus parviflorus, known as little spurflower or cockspur flower, is a shrub, occurring in Hawaii, Polynesia and Australia. [2] Se distribuyen por África tropical, Asia y Japón hasta Australia y algunas islas del Pacífico. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 308... ni aucune modification du fonctionnement . rrö ( tö ) gwÄ , mwÄ , na ye - re méamöru rr » ( t ) gwa mwa , na yÉ - rÉ méamoru « il jette un méamöru ( Plectranthus parviflorus WilD . , Labiée ) au sommet de la maison >> L fonct . souhaitée], coléus. The relative importance of A(mes)/A versus CO(2) resistances in ⦠Plectranthus parviflorus âLimplep1â is more commonly known as Blue Yonder or Blue Spire plectranthus. Plectranthus australis & Plectranthus parviflorus)* Tweet; Description: Coleus australis, with other common names such as spurflower, little spurflower and cockspur flower, is a native Australian species of the family Lamiaceae, the same family as mint and sage. Avant de les ressortir, au printemps, Intense blue-lilac, perfumed flowers extend along leafy stems in spires 30-60cm long and attract butterflies and native bees. Use as a border and mixed amongst other cottage garden plants. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, on l'appelle méamoru Ajouter au panier. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 155Leaf morphology/habitat Ame/A Shade leaves 7 Mesomorphic leaves 12â19 Xeromorphic sun leaves 17â31 Low altitude (600m) 37 High altitude (3000 m) 47 Species Ame/A Plectranthus parviflorus High light 39 Low light 11 Alternanthera ... Plectranthus : pot Ø 10,5 cm. A widespread species, in rocky areas and beside streams. Plectranthus paniculatus Jacq. (1806) Plectranthus parvifolius Talbot (Talbot fut un constructeur automobile d'origine franco-britannique.) Carte d'identité. is an. Plectranthus rotundifolius est une plante herbacée vivace grâce à ses tubercules (elle est toutefois cultivée comme une plante annuelle). (Wagner 1990) Propagation by Seeds The fruits of Plectranthus parviflorus are small brown nuts less than 1/4 inch long. Truffaut vous recommande. Celle-ci a été décrite par Willd. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 479L'Aspalat hispide , ASPALATHUS HISPIDUS , La Germaine à petites fleurs , PLECTRANTHUS PARVIFLORUS . Le Polium à trois fleurs , POLIUM TRIFLORUM . L'Astèr humble , ASTER HUMILIS . . La Stellaire des sables , STELLARIA ARENÃRIA . [given by S.T.Blake, Contr. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 35Plectranthus parviflorus Willd . Hort . Berol . t . 65 ( 1806 prius ) : nec R. Br . ( 1810 ) nec Guerke ( 1898 ) . Type : Plant cultivated in the Berlin Botanic Garden of unknown origin , Hb . Willdenow 11078 ( B , photo BRI ) . The plants look good in a native Australian-style garden, a woodland area or a flowery border. a great low maintenance and hardy plant, good for both sun and shade. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 176... NEPETA musstini , PLECTRANTHUS parviflorus , SUÃDA triandra , DIANTHUS caucasicus , CHÃTURUS fasciculatus , SILENE grata , LAGASCA mollis . A la suite de la description de chaque plante , il joint une note critique dans laquelle il ... Blue Yonder has green foliage edged in white, and in summer it sends up spires of sky blue blooms. with the common names given, this was intended to be the Oceanian Plectranthus parvifolius Willdenow, now synonym of Coleus autralis. Collection des vélins de Node-Véran. Hình ảnh. Plectranthus parviflorus âBlue Spiresâ â Spur Flower. Non aromatic, between 10 and 70 cm high. Waray hini subspecies nga nakalista. N/A Assessment Dates. Van Jaarsv. Plectranthus parviflorus General Information. Plectranthus parviflorus Gürke La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 26 juin 2021 à 08:01. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, on l'appelle méamoru. Trouvé à l'intérieur â Page 302Incl . Plectranthus parviflorus Gürke ( 1898 ) ( nom . illeg . , Art . 53.1 ) ; incl . Plectranthus kuntzeanus Domin ( 1928 ) . [ 6b ] Procumbent to decumbent perennial succulent mat - forming herbs to 10 cm ; R fibrous ; stems square ...
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